
The Oxford Dictionary defines hobby as a favorite activity that a person does for pleasure and not as his or her regular business.

Every professional, and more so one in a highly challenging and intricate branch like neurosurgery, must indulge in some favourite activity every once in a while, if not on a regular basis. Hobbies and extra-curricular interests are not only relaxing, some of them may also help tone up the body and mind to help face the stresses of professional life.

Dr Jayadev Panchawagh has explored every facet of his personality by indulging in many hobbies and passions. Activities like long distance cycling, trekking, wild-life/nature and human photography and diving not only help him relax, but also keeps him fit physically and mentally. Photography also helps bring out his creativity and expressions; it gives him a different perspective looking at life and people. He also loves painting in both water-colours and oils.

It is true that hard work and devotion to what one does, is necessary to achieve goals in life. Since Dr Panchwagh works in a branch which needs intense focus and concentration, he finds that he need some moments after surgery to relax and wind down. This has been in the form of playing the Sitar. He has been learning to play this musical instrument since the age of 16 years under the tutelage of the late Sudhir Phadke. He says “I am thankful to have continued practice on this instrument all through my medical undergraduation and post-graduation days. It has given me many moments of peace and tranquility after stressful surgeries, and has kept me balanced!”

Some glimpses from his non-professional life: